Have you ever heard the saying “It only takes 1 year to change your life”? Well, I can confirm this is correct. It’s been just over a year since my last post, and boy do I have a few stories to share with you…
The last time we spoke, I was escaping from a life of normality. A life where I no longer felt fulfilled or inspired. I had just packed my bags and landed in Dubai with 4 months’ worth of savings, no expectations, only big dreams. Fast forward, and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, living a life I’ve always dreamt of. I’m living a life of meaning and purpose filled with opportunity and excitement. A life that fulfils and inspires me to be the best version of myself.
It hasn’t all been sunshine and rainbows. Mostly sunshine – very few rainbows out here in the desert. The past year has been filled with highs, lows, anxiety, and elation.
I’ve learned to accept the person I am and understand the person I want to become. I’ve learned to block out the haters and naysayers and welcome the supporters and believers. I learned the value of quality over quantity in business and personal life. I learned that by caring what other people think, you are only holding yourself back. I learned that you don’t need to have all the answers; all you need is to find the people who do. I learned that happiness is not something that finds you – you must find it.
For me, 2024 is a year of growth and development. Entrepreneurship, fitness, and personal development are my focus. While on this journey, I hope to inspire, motivate, and connect with like-minded people in the hope of encouraging those to back themselves, chase after their dreams, and show up as their most authentic selves.
I created this blog 15 months ago to do exactly this, but I let my self-doubt take over and excuses control me. This time it’s different, I’m different, life is different, but this time I promise to take you on my journey – no excuses.
NEXT BLOG POST – I’ll take you through my journey step by step, detailing how I transitioned from being a Dubai real estate broker with no local experience to becoming a Managing Partner in under 12 months.
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela